Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Make every day a day to connect with Jesus!


Donations can be made in person, by mail or through online giving.



Assisting in Worship Today

Greeters: John and Lynn Hostetler
Welcome Desk: Joyce Horst
Liturgist: Deanna Nolder, Gabe Turk
Flowers: The altar flowers are lovingly placed with sadness and joy by Janice (Jenny) and Joe Kohler as we remember September birthdays:
Harold G. Wenger, J. Arthur St. Clair, and J. Glenn Kohler.


Traditional and Contemporary Orders of Service


Children's Ministry

Mark Your Calendar:

  • September 14 - Bikes & Trikes! An Early Childhood Ministry Event for kids not yet in kindergarten and their parents/caregivers.
  • October 2 - 6pm-7pm Go for the Gold! An Event to kick off the fall for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade!
  • October 26 - Trunk or Treat! (We need 10 cars/trunks signed up by September 30 to participate!) Sign up to host a 'Trunk' here.

2024-2025 First Lights Permission Form

2024 Parent Ministry Digital Packet

Visit First for more

Youth Group


Wednesday, September 25, 2024: Homecoming Parade at the parsonage.
Sunday, October 13, 2024: Youth Sunday

We have youth in our congregation willing to help with mowing your grass! If this is something you are in need of assistance with, please contact Collin(, and he will connect you with a student who can help you with that.

Visit for more

College Ministry

We want to support our college students. If you are willing to pray for and send a note or text to one of our college students, please contact Beth Stahl.


Hungry Hearts

Clothing Ministry is in need of children’s clothing, boys and girls, sizes 6-18; as well as lightweight blankets, king & queen sheets, and new underwear for all ages and sizes.


Visit Hungry Hearts

Women Connect


September 21, 2024 - Lesson, refreshments and fellowship in the Connect Café from 9-10:30AM.
October 4-6, 2024 - Women's Retreat Weekend: Messy Mindset - A Shift in How You View Life's Messes as God's Goodness.  Registration Forms and more details coming soon!

Women Connect

Team Haiti/Missions

Mission Central needs:

children’s books (all ages), hygiene items (shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, bodywash, etc.) in travel size and standard sizes, shoes (tennis shoes and closed-toe shoes for kids’ sizes 1-6, summer and winter shoes for adults), 24 pack crayons, 6-12 packs of colored pencils, 6-12 packs of markers, erasers, ink pens (blue or black ink), pencil sharpeners, pencils(standard or mechanical), rulers, craft or kids’ scissors(no plastic blades), spiral or top-bound notebooks, composition notebooks, lunchboxes, backpacks.

Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare -

How will GriefShare help you? When a loved one dies, it can feel like you’re alone.  Few people understand how painful and isolating your grief can be.  But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer by yourself. At GriefShare, you’ll find a safe, comforting place where you can talk with others about your grief.  You’ll find support, direction, and guidance on how to make it through.

GriefShare Support group is currently on summer break. For more information or to register, call Gail at 717-263-8491 ext. 207.

The next seminar starts August 12, at 1-3 pm and will run through November 25, 2024.

Loss of a Spouse

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

Music & Worship

Sing worship to the Lord!



When: November 1-3 Mt. Asbury Retreat Center; Newville, PA
Who: Open to all men who will enjoy fellowship, food, games, and refuge in God's Word.
What: Lessons will focus on the story of Joseph in Genesis, chapters 37-50.
Contact: Jared McIntire (
John Hostetler, or Mike Stouffer.
*Scholarships can be made available upon request.
*More information to follow! Stay tuned!

Prayer Requests


Lana Petitfrere

Dianne Salter

Bob Glass

Judy Glass

Brianna Renshaw

Leslie Gotwald

Helen Rice

Joan Kauffman

Vickie Leisher



Salvation Army

Fire & EMS departments



Susie Bulger

Bette Bowers

Linda Lojacono

Jack Kramer

Tony Bottini

Sarah Baker


Erma Collins

Nathalie Aylesworth

Vickie Leisher

Pearl Foreman


First Lights Children Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Adult Sunday School Classes


Men's Bible Study


Mission Central

Hungry Hearts

Dinner Church

Clothing Ministry


**NEW** If you would like to read scripture or take offering in the Contemporary Service, please contact Beth Stahl.

Setup the FLC for 11 o’clock service: We need teams of 2 or 3 to prep the room for Sunday worship any time after noon on Friday or Saturday morning. 45 minutes would be needed to do this job. If you would like to help, please speak to pastor Steve or email:

Scam Emails Please do not respond to any emails asking you for Urgent help or gift cards which proport to be from the pastor or a staff member.  This is always a scam.

Important Note regarding upcoming events- If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Posted in Being the Church.