Grace and peace to you through God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
As one can imagine, the parameters are changing daily for our ministry at First United and we want you to have the latest information.
Worship for March 22, 2020 will be online at 10 am. It will be recorded so you may access it any time after 10 am. This week, you will see the music is separate from the sermon. You may click on any of the additional songs/testimony to enhance your worship. You can find the worship links on our Facebook page or on our website here.
For updated procedures in our Hungry Hearts Ministry please click here. We fervently continue to pray for our neighbors in the downtown community and all impacted by economic hardship. If you feel called to help in the Hungry Hearts Ministry, please email
Our children and youth ministries are maintaining activity via Facebook, Youtube and their websites. If you have any questions for our children and youth leaders, email
If you meet as a group at First United and are interested in connecting online, please email for suggestions and help in facilitation.
We continue to communicate with our neighbors by sending out printed notices in both English and Spanish offering assistance in the downtown community.
For daily prayers and encouragement, follow us on Facebook.
We are connecting with our members through a card ministry. If you would like to send cards to members at this time, please email
Some of you have been asking about how to send in your offering. We appreciate so very much the fact that many of you are determined to care for the church during this difficult season of separation. We have had a healthy start to our giving in 2020, and it would be sad if we allowed that to slip due to COVID19 limitations. There are a few options:
First, you can participate through Vanco, our electronic website for giving. Or you can email for assistance in getting enrolled.
Second, you can mail your offering in. Our mailing address is 225 S. Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201. Staff will be in to collect mail during the week.
Third, you may bring your offering in to the church and place it in the box in the office door. Please remember though, our governor and bishop are urging minimal social contact. If you decide to drop into church to pick up something for a ministry, or drop off your offering, we ask that you not visit with any staff who may be present. Staff are continuing to work both at home and in the office, so when they are in we are trying to minimize their contact for their sake and the sake of their families.
If you have a question or need, the staff are working either at home or in the office, but please reach out by phone or by email. We want to protect your health as well as staff member's health during this time.
There are many new ways of doing ministry emerging at First United, and we continue to want to connect, ignite and shine even though we cannot physically meet together.
If you have a need, become ill, or want to find a ministry you can do in the safety of our new parameters, please email or call us and let's find a way together. Take heart as we believe in the communion of saints, the mystical communion which binds us to saints past, present and future. Often times, we think of that communion as those who have lived before us, the unseen cloud of witnesses who surround us on our journey. Cherish that communion now, as that mystical bond of Christ holds us together even when we are separated into different households. When we pray for each other, encourage each other by email, text, or phone, when we give together, or witness to our faith, we are living into the bonds of Christ. Blessed be the tie that binds us even now, one to another.
These are difficult times, but we serve an amazing God who the gospels tell us can be present in all places, wherever His church resides.
Blessings and peace, First United. Blessed be the tie that binds.