Make It Personal!
Questions for Reflection on the Sermon.
How has life changed for you this week?
What has been a blessing?
What has been difficult?
They Leaned into God Acts 16:1-10
How can you lean into God this week?
What specific time will you set apart to spend with God this week?
They Sought to Bless Others Acts 16:11-15 FLC
How will you make your offering to God each week?
Whom can you bless this week?
How will you do it?
They Worshipped Where They Were Acts 16:16- 26 (Gail’s office)
What space can you create in your household for an altar?
How can focusing on God calm your worries and fears?
They Offered Christ (Sanctuary) Acts 16:27-34
With whom will you share Christ this week?