A Message From Pastor Cathy
Changes Ahead!
As our Governor has now hit the reset button for Franklin County to move to green on Friday, June 19th, here's some updates for the journey ahead.
Staff and Leadership have been working on a plan of transition. We have decided that while we are eager to engage in worship onsite, as our Pastors are in transition, we are reopening at First UMC on Sunday, July 5th. A survey will be coming out this coming week and we ask that EVERYONE fills it out to determine what our opening schedule will look like. As social distancing and other protocols are still required, we need a count of how many persons are still going to be worshipping at home online, and how many are ready to be back onsite. Your timely response to the survey will be really helpful.
Second, Leadership will be making the decision on when to activate the keycards and open access to the building.
Third, many of our groups are already meeting face to face.However, due to the need to make sure that areas are sanitized, we ask that you still connect with the church office if you are planning on using a room at the church for any purpose. This ensures that every area is sanitized and should we have an exposure to covid19, we will be able to contact others who may have used the room, or been present.
So let's all celebrate and stay healthy! Exile is just about over and we can soon enjoy the physical bonds of fellowship.
As we transition (again!), let me just offer a word of gratitude to the staff and leadership of First UMC who have done a tremendous job in challenging circumstances. I know that many of you have been very grateful for the worship experiences. The staff has worked very hard to keep us connected in this season. Please be sure to thank them and give them encouragement! And please be patient and supportive of the protocols which will be in place to keep us safe on this journey. Thanks!
Our mission in Haiti is still very much in operation. This coming Thursday, June 18th we will have our next Haitian MIssion Update for donors and anyone who is interested online. Everyone is welcome to come and hear the latest updates on Haiti. Pastor Steve has been working with us on this and all other ministries of the church, and the mission in Haiti will continue. If you want to join us to find out the latest news in Haiti contact us for the invitation.
Thanks for your support of our kids in Haiti!
Transition News
Rev. Steve Livermore has been in and among us for the past couple months, meeting one on one with Leadership Team and staff, and spending time with Pastor Cathy learning the ministries of First UMC. Pastor Cathy's last service is Sunday, June 21st, and she will be offering online communion. Pastor Steve will be starting in the building! with you on Sunday, July 5th. Please keep both the Livermore and Boileau families in prayer as we transition families, homes, ministries, in the added challenges of the pandemic. SPRC will be in contact with more info on plans to welcome the Livermore family.
From now until July 1, if you have a pastoral need please contact Gail Vaughn or one of our retired pastors. Once Pastor Steve begins on July 1, he will be using the same email as Pastor Cathy (pastor4fumc@gmail.com) and will be receiving calls at the office on extension 210.
Thanks for being a supportive presence to both pastors on this journey!