July 24, 2020

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

This Sunday, July 26th we will live stream worship one again from the sanctuary. We continue to remain outside the building. You can watch the service live on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmSGX-RPkXNSn0xDGKsjZ5Q or by going to our website at www.firstonsecond.org. and clicking on the “Watch Us Live…” button.
You will find the order of worship for Sunday here: http://firstonsecond.org/2020/07/24/worship-order-for-july-26-2020/
Scrolling to the bottom of the order will allow you to download for printing if you wish. To become familiar with the opening praise songs, go to the following YouTube videos: “Even If” https://youtu.be/B6fA35Ved-Y and “Yes and Amen” https://youtu.be/kkHo70DeiMM

We have some good news to share! Beginning Sunday, August 2nd at 9:00 AM We will worship together in one physical location at the Bandshell in Memorial Park!

Bring a lawn chair and shade umbrella and masks. Hand sanitizer will be available. We will be setting up pop-up tents for shade also. We will continue to need to practice social distancing.

Sunday school classes can meet preceding or following the service. First Lights and Illuminate Youth Ministry will meet after the service in the park! A group facilitated by Stephanie Byers for Parents of Youth and Children to talk about issues surrounding helping children and youth in a time of COVID-19 will meet during the Children and Youth Ministry time.

We will continue to worship in the park, weather permitting through the end of October or until we are able to safely return to 225 South Second Street.

Thank you for your faithful giving to the Lord and His work through First UM Church. Your generosity is critically important for accomplishing what we believe God is calling us to do through the pandemic and beyond. There are two ways for you to give to Christ through First Church:
1. You can mail your checks through the postal system to First UM Church, 225 South Second Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201
2. You can go online at www.Firstonsecond.org and click on the word GIVE in the upper right-hand corner and follow the instructions.
Your generous gift will be greatly appreciated as we are currently experiencing a shortfall in our regular contributions due to the pandemic.

Please pray for our various ministries and outreaches which are ongoing via Zoom and YouTube such as:

First Lights Children’s Ministry Check out all the cool stuff on our website;  or our Facebook page:

Illuminate Youth Ministry. Here is a word from Collin:
A quick update from Illuminate Youth Ministries:
When we first made our summer schedule available at the end of May, we had no idea what to expect for summer gatherings. Thankfully, we have been able to gather as small groups in person on several occasions, and those moments have been personal highlights of Collin's summer.
We continue to meet online for virtual youth group and for small groups on zoom. God has graciously given us ways to connect through this trying time!
And guess what!? We have more in person connection coming soon!! On Wednesday August 5, we will be meeting at Dr. Jim Hurley's home for a pool party. We'll enjoy some food, some outdoor games, swimming, and fellowship. That following weekend, August 7-8, we are excited to be together for a campout. It certainly won't be the same as our usual summer camping experiences, but we still expect to have a FANTASTIC time with each other!! For more info on either of these events, please contact Collin. He also would appreciate RSVPs for both of these events by Sunday, August 2.
Speaking of August 2, we are excited to share that we are expecting to host youth Sunday School outdoors following our 9:00 services at the Band Shell in Memorial Park, which start on August 2. This Sunday school will run for 30-45 minutes immediately following the conclusion of our worship service. More details will come soon!
In our virtual youth group videos this summer, and in our Sunday devotions, we have been sharing lessons that explore Jesus' sermon on the Mount. As life continues to throw uncertainties and frustrations at us, it is important for us to hold on to the encouragements and teachings of Jesus. This message shared in Matthew 5-7 holds truth that is so applicable to us as Christians during this time, in how to interact with others and how to grow in our relationship with God. We will continue to look at segments from this passage of scripture through August, and we hope you'll join us online!
We're grateful for all of your continued support and participation in the youth ministry. Because of you students, parents, small group leaders, and everyone in the congregation, we have been able to continue to find ways to meet over the last 4 months. We know that our students have been able to experience connection and growing relationships within the church, and we are excited to continue building on that as we move forward in faith, hope, and love.

Hungry Hearts continues to provide food to an average of 125 families every week.

First is offering these support group events to help people going through loss:

Loss of a Spouse
You have begun a journey we know you did not want. We are sorry for your loss and want to come alongside you on this journey of grief. Our desire is to help you process your grief and think about what life after the loss of your spouse might look like.
Registrations would be helpful.
Please use parking lot and entrance behind First UM Church off
W. Washington St.
Monday August 10, 2020 at 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
At First United Methodist Church
225 South Second St. Chambersburg
Please register by email –parishvisitorfumc@gmail.com
or calling 717-263-8491 ext.207

You have begun a journey we know you did not want. We are sorry for your loss, and want to come alongside you on this journey of grief. Our desire is to help you process your grief and think about what life after your loss might look like. Registrations would be helpful.
(You can view a GriefShare video at First’s YouTube channel. The link is available above)
Please use parking lot and entrance behind First UM Church off W. Washington St.
Monday August 17, 2020 at 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
At First United Methodist Church
225 South Second St.
You can also join us online. Please register by email at parishvisistorfumc@gmail.com
Or Call 717-263-8491 ext. 207

Posted in Being the Church.