9:00 am Sunday School at the park or the church.
10:15 am Blended Worship Service.
The schedule for the day would be as follows:
9:00 am - Sunday school classes at the church.
10:15 am - Combined Blended Worship in the Sanctuary.
12:30 pm - Church Picnic at Pine Pavilion at Caledonia State Park.
With games/events planned and led by the Leadership Team.
The picnic will be catered and table service provided. Come with just your appetite.
God’s perfect will for Janet Shatzer
Healing for Blanche Mock
Healing for Susie Bulger - Quincey Village
Healing for Helen Rice's daughters
Healing prayers for Evelyn Jones
Healing for Sandy Decker
Prayers for the Postal Service
Pray for those involved in building collapse in FL
Praise and Thanksgiving
Pray with us Tuesdays at 2:52pm.
Worship with us Sundays at 9am/11am.
Don't forget that kids who complete their worship bulletin get a 'punch' for each bulletin and when all ten holes are punched, they receive a $10 gift card. You can pick up kids' worship bulletins at the welcome tables.
Sunday School 10am at park or church if weather is bad.
Register for V.B.S. - Dates June 30 and July 7.
Summer Book Club for moms with daughters in the tween and teen years.
Family Workcamp: Planting Seeds - Register Here. We will be at Mt. Asbury on July 10 and 11. Your family can stay overnight on Saturday or only come up for the day. This is a service opportunity for kids and parents, but also a retreat experience for families. You are not required to pay for the retreat, but we will accept donations.
A full schedule is on the events page at
717-263-8491 ext. 207 or for a listening ear or more information.
Contact Gail for more information. 7147-263-8491 ext. 207