Sunday October 10, 2021

9am Worship at FUMC in the Family Life Center (FLC)

10am Sunday School

11am Traditional Service in Sanctuary


Beginning October 17th both services will be held indoors.

9:00 am Traditional in the sanctuary.

10:00 am Sunday school.

11:00 am Contemporary in the Family Life Center.

COVID19 Protocol Update

Because Franklin county has moved into the High category of COVID transmission, First Church leadership asks that congregants wear masks while inside the building per CDC recommendation. This is recommended NOT mandated. We understand that individuals have varied feelings on masks.

We are also again encouraging social distancing in the sanctuary and in the FLC.

Please see Bishop Park's announcement.

Franklin County is being hit hard by the latest surge in the COVID-19 pandemic. We [Wellspan] are caring for 76 COVID-positive patients in our Chambersburg and Waynesboro facilities, and our urgent cares and clinics are overflowing. There have been times this week when so many patients have turned to our Emergency Department in Chambersburg for care that a line has extended beyond the entrance. A tent is now being placed outside of the Emergency Department in Chambersburg to accommodate patients who may be waiting, and we are again in the position of needing to delay some surgeries and procedures to care for COVID patients. Visitation also continues to be restricted in our hospitals and emergency rooms. And, once again, our health care workforce is being pushed to their limits, both physically and emotionally.

Full Letter


Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

We are asking folks not to mail donations through the US Postal service. Please hand-deliver them to the church, because we are having issues with receiving mail. We also have online giving available as well. Thank you for blessing us!

In Traditional Service this week:

Pastor: Steven M. Livermore
Organist/Choir Director:
- Diaconal Minister of Music: Linda A. Peppernick
Reader: Linda Peppernick

Today’s Flowers The altar flowers are placed to the glory of God and In loving memory of Arlene Hoover Bottini who would have celebrated her birthday on Oct. 9. Given by her husband and family.
The centerpiece is placed to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mother Martha Tarner Kyle who would have celebrated her birthday on Oct. 7. Given by her daughter Tara Kyle Benton.



Children's Ministry

Pray with us Tuesdays at 2:52pm.

Worship Bulletins for kids to engage them with the service are available at the welcome tables.

'Fear Not!' October Schedule is HERE!

This month Ms. Brianna is challenging kids to read their Bible! If they complete the challenge and return it, Ms. Brianna will kiss a worm( One kiss for ever challenge returned.)  at our end of month 'Fear is Not a Factor' Party or during a special 'Not so Spooky' Halloween Sunday School.

Go HERE to get your 'Fear Not' Bible Reading Challenge!

Please note: There is no Sunday School on October 10.

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth Ministry will be meeting in backyards this September on Wednesday nights. A full schedule is on the events page at

Please note: There is no Sunday School on October 10.

Visit for more

Hungry Hearts
Please save your egg cartons and drop them off for Hungry Hearts so we can repackage flats of eggs for distribution. If you would like to serve with this ministry, please contact Dan Renshaw at
Hungry Heart's Clothing Mission is NOT accepting donations at the present time due to the church elevator being out of operation and several of our regular volunteers not being available due to health issues. We are looking for some additional volunteers.  The job includes sorting and sizing incoming donations, maintaining the store in the church basement, storing out-of-season clothing, and greeting our guests on Thursday afternoons.  Parents and children may want to consider helping during the summer months. (We find younger volunteers to be very helpful in sorting toys.) Our usual hours are from 1 pm to 5pm on Thursday but we can be flexible. Call Carel Fish 717-264-4354.

Visit Hungry Hearts

Team Haiti

Sponsors are Needed for Haitian Children at Kaendra's Place orphanage. School of Hope tuition sponsorships at $140 a semester or $280 for the school year.  Fall semester tuition is due now.  Talk to Pastor Steve or mail for more information.

Cookie Dough and Coffee Sale to support FUMC Haiti missions in Petit Goave, Haiti has begun! Order forms are available along with purchase envelopes at the worship entrances and lobby. Envelopes can be placed in the offering plates or dropped in the box at the Welcome Center. Orders are due by Sunday, October 31st. Pick up for orders will be Saturday, November 20th.

Pastoral Care Ministries
A Personal Account of Stephen Ministry:
My father was diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia, and it was my mother who provided all the care for him. Managing a home and caring for an ill loved one was overwhelming and very stressful. When caring for another, we often do so while sacrificing ourselves. Members of the Stephen Team recognized my mother’s need for support and provided a Stephen Minister to her. She referred to this Stephen Minister as her special person and “an angel”. Though the program is completely confidential, my mother was nearly bursting at the seams to tell me who it was. I told her that I did not need to know who it was, but my mom did not care about confidentiality. She wanted to share the joy this program brought to her. I am truly thankful that mom had someone to walk along sider her at a time when she desperately needed it.

GriefShare group meets Mondays at 1:00 PM. For more information or to register for the seminar contact Gail at 717-263-8491 ext. 207.

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

Women Connect

Our annual Women’s Retreat is October 15th-17th at the Mt. Asbury Retreat Center in Newville, PA.


Important Note regarding upcoming events:

If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Chancel Choir-Practice is held Wednesday nights at 7:00. All singers welcomed! Contact Diaconal Minister Linda Peppernick at

Post-High School Connections - First Church Friends: I am looking for people to connect with our post high age young adults. Check-in texts, notes, and emails are a great way to let them know they're a part of the family even when they may not be able to attend regularly. If you're willing to friend one of our post high young adults, please contact Beth Stahl ( or 717-375-8011).

200th Anniversary – 2022 will mark the 200th Anniversary of the birth of First Church.  We are looking for interested individuals to be part of the committee planning our celebrations. Please contact Pastor Steve at if you would like to help.

Evening Bible Studies:

Intergenerational Study -Interested in making connections between faith and real life?  In building intergenerational relationships within the church?  Consider joining this discussion-based Bible study at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Study is designed for youth Grade 7 or higher in the company of their parents. All adults welcome!

“Wednesday Bible Study” @ 6:30 PM and meets every Wednesday in the Preschool Classroom (Apple Place). We will be studying the book of Jeremiah.  Jeremiah lived and wrote in a dark time. Studying the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah, you will get a glimpse of what it is like to have a personal relationship with God, for God and a human to be together and you will discover how you can grow in your own personal relationship to God.  This study will also stream on Zoom.  Study guides are available to pick up at the Welcome Center or you can download a copy here.

 If you are interested in taking a Stop the Bleed Class please sign up HERE! It will be held October 12 at 6pm.

Veterans Meeting on Tuesday October 12 at 6:30p.m. in the Alda Bower room.

Elevator Update The trustees have signed a contract with Eastern Elevator Company to begin repair work on the elevator.  More information will be forthcoming as soon as it is available.

First UMC Church Conference Sunday, November 21st at 5:00 PM. Our District Superintendent will be with us to conduct the meeting. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.

Friendly reminder that if you need to take tables out of the FLC please return them by Wednesday night so they are available for Thursday morning food distribution.

Refugee Resettlement: Franklin County is hopeful to receive a special gift at the end of the month. We are seeking a select family with a basement or attic apartment  (1 BR + bath) to share this extraordinary gift with. The gift is a Syrian refugee family - Dad & Mom with three young sons... 10, 8, & 6 years old. The family needs temporary living quarters for 2-4 weeks. During this time they will be quarantined (as directed by immigration authorities), but provided with food by our local Refugee Resettlement "Welcome Committee."  We hope you or one of your neighbors might be blessed by joining us in welcoming our new neighbors by sharing a part of your home with them. Please contact Clint Bolte (717) 267-2157.



A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)

We lift our prayers to the Lord!

Comfort for Jay Upperman's family as he has entered the Church Triumphant

Please pray for Linda Peppernick's son, daughter-in-law, and grandson who were tested for covid before leaving Poland. Daughter-in-law and grandson tested positive, They had to stay and Linda's son was negative and came home. When he was tested here, he was also positive. He is feeling terrible. Please pray for all involved.

Healing prayers for Rev. Charlie Kind. He is in the hospital. Prayers for his family as well

Healing for Blanche Mock

Healing prayers for Ginny Adams

Healing prayers for Matthew very ill

Continue praying for the people of Haiti & Afghanistan

Pray for our government leaders

Prayers for Norine Selby (Glenn & Natalie Aylesworth’s daughter)

Pray for all those who take the gospel to a broken world in need of healing

Betty Naugle – healing

Pray for those who are coming to GriefShare

Pray for Stephen Ministry

Continued prayers for Postal Service

Healing for those with Covid

Safety and protection for school children and those working in school systems

Healing prayer for Jeff Brookens – medical concerns

Pray for the Women's Retreat October 15-17th at Mt. Asbury - those planning the retreat and the ladies attending

Pray for First Lights -Connecting the light of the church to the heart of families to ignite the faith of the next generation

Pray for Illuminate Youth Ministry

Pray for Hungry Hearts Ministry

Pray for yourself that you might be true to Christ even if you are rejected.

Prayers for those facing life struggles -

Linda Leidig

Kathy Beaston

Barb Armstrong


Deb Ewing

Shirley Jones

Evelyn Jones


Praise and Thanksgiving!

We praise God for our Pastor!

"And I will give you shepherds after my own
heart, who will feed you with knowledge and
understanding." ~ Jeremiah 3:15


The entire congregation is invited to join children and youth ministries at Mt. Asbury Retreat center this fall to help prepare for the Christmas Light Show!

There are also opportunities to staff the Light Show during the event.

If you are interested in finding out more, click Here.


Posted in Being the Church.