March 18, 2022

Sunday March 20, 2022

In Traditional Service this week:

Pastor - Steven M. Livermore

Organist - Diaconal Minister  - Linda Peppernick

Scripture Reader - Ben Schellhase

If you would like to place altar flowers please contact Vikki Eckert at 419 632 4653


FUMC Living History: The year 2022 marks the 200th Anniversary of First United Methodist Church.  As part of our year-long celebration, we are sharing the faith stories of some of our oldest members.  In the spotlight this week: Betty Upperman.

FUMC 200th Anniversary!

As we begin celebrating our church’s 200th anniversary, we will be displaying artifacts from our church history.  This month, we are displaying items from Sunday School. Many are displayed in the case beside the entrance to the Family Life Center.  Included in the display are memories from cradle roll and up.  Please take a few minutes to view these wonderful items that are a part of our church history.

In conjunction with the Bicentennial of the First United Brethren/First Evangelical United Brethren/First United Methodist Church, we would like to recognize families with four or more generations of First Church continual/current membership/attendance. If you think you qualify, please contact Joyce Horst (717-375-2345 or with ancestor/current family names. Old Membership records are available to help identify your ancestors.

Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Great News!

Mail Service is up to only missing a day or two a week. We feel confident that tithes and offerings mailed to the church will arrive here safely. If you wish to send your contributions via mail, you are welcome to do so.

The Lenten Offering for 2022 will be given to UMCOR to Support Refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.


Lenten Sermon Series

begins Sunday and is based on this Daily Bible Reading Plan.


Children's Ministry

Pray with us on Tuesdays at 2:52pm.

Wednesday nights from 6pm-7pm!

We will not meet Wednesday night March 30th.

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth Ministry meets on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm (we will not meet on March 30th), and on Sundays at 10am.

If you'd like more information, please contact Collin


Visit for more

Hungry Hearts

'Egg-cellent' job bringing in egg cartons! Keep up the 'egg-cellent' work!

Items Needed!

We will be collecting household supplies for the month of February for distribution during Hungry Heart's food pantry and clothing appointments in March. The items we are interested in are:

  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towels
  • Bleach
  • All purpose Cleaner
  • Bathroom cleaner
  • Hand Soap
  • Dish Soap

Hungry Heart's Clothing Mission has remained open since last January.  From January until June, we asked our customers to fill out request forms and the ladies did their best to fill those orders.  Since June, customers have been making appointments to shop for themselves on Thursday afternoons.  During that entire time the ladies have been meeting on Thursday to size and sort donations.  When the elevator quit in August, several of our volunteers were unable to continue because they couldn't manage the stairs.  We also found that without the elevators we weren't physically able to move donations downstairs.  With the help of some special young men from our congregation we were able to move all our stored winter clothes from the NAPA building to the  basement and continue to meet the needs of our community.

With the elevator still out of order and our stored clothing already on display, we need to ask for donations of winter clothing, blankets, and housewares.  The catch is that we can only accept donations if you are willing to carry them to the basement.  The bins are in the Faith and Fellowship Sunday School classroom and items can also be left on tables in that room.  If you are unsure of where to leave donations please talk to Carel Fish on Sunday and I will be glad to give you the short tour of the basement. You can also call me for info.  (717 264 4354).  Please only donate items that can be used at this time (winter clothing) and that you are able to  carry to the basement.  Thanks to you all for making this mission possible as it greatly benefits our neighbors.

Visit Hungry Hearts

Team Haiti

Sponsors are Needed for Haitian Children at Kaendra's Place orphanage. School of Hope tuition sponsorships at $140 a semester or $280 for the school year.  Fall semester tuition is due now.  Talk to Pastor Steve or mail for more information.

Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare sessions begin at 1:00pm April 4 and continue through June 27 (no mtg May 30th for Memorial Day)

Stephen Ministry is here to walk with you through difficult journeys.

Two separate seminars will be offered:
      1) Monday, March 28 at 1:00pm at the church
     2) Monday, March 28 at 7:00pm at the church

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

Women Connect

Women Connect now has a private Facebook Group! All women in the church are invited to join!

Join us(Bring your daughters! Kids welcome!) on Saturday, March 19, 2022 from 9-10:30 AM in the Connect Café & Lobby, as we continue with “Our Shared Stories” – led by Leslie Gotwald.  What an exciting time, as FUMC celebrates our 200th Anniversary!  Music & refreshments, too!
April 23, 2022 – Program TBA
BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS for February & March
Dianne Salter – February 15
Paula Hepfer – February 17
Alexa Barrick – March 20
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again (on Saturday),
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. – Irish Blessing

New Year: New Studies!

Sunday Morning Study: Christianity is not about following a set of rules, but about following a Person. Jesus came into our world, lived a life of perfection, died to pay the price of our sin, and rose again to show us the way of resurrection life. And He offers us a brief but challenging invitation—“Follow Me.” If you are interested in seeking a greater understanding of what it means to follow Jesus and being supported in a daily practice of the Scripture reading, prayer, and simplicity that He modeled during his life, please consider joining us. We will be meeting on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. beginning on January 9th. You can check the study out at Firm Foundation Study.

Weekly Evening Bible Study begins Wednesday, January 12th at 6:30 PM.  This study is online only. We will be studying the book of Matthew.  Printed guides will be available at the Welcome Center the previous Sunday.





Important Note regarding upcoming events: If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Sunday  9AM Greeters are needed at the Welcome Desk. Please feel free to contact Suzanne Everly for details.

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Chancel Choir-Practice is held Wednesday nights at 7:00. All singers welcomed! Contact Diaconal Minister Linda Peppernick at

Post-High School Connections - First Church Friends: I am looking for people to connect with our post high age young adults. Check-in texts, notes, and emails are a great way to let them know they're a part of the family even when they may not be able to attend regularly. If you're willing to friend one of our post high young adults, please contact Beth Stahl ( or 717-375-8011).

Evening Bible Studies:

Intergenerational Study -Interested in making connections between faith and real life?  In building intergenerational relationships within the church?  Consider joining this discussion-based Bible study at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Study is designed for youth Grade 7 or higher in the company of their parents. All adults welcome!

Weekly Bible Study is online via Zoom and begins Wednesday, January 12th at 6:30 PM.  We will be studying the book of Matthew. Books will be available at the Welcome Center Sunday the 9th and online.

Wednesday Men’s Bible Study meets every week at 6:30 am in the FLC lobby.

Friendly reminder that if you need to take tables out of the FLC please return them by Wednesday night so they are available for Thursday morning food distribution.

Refugee Resettlement: Please contact Clint Bolte (717) 267-2157 to volunteer with helps for the family.  Donations can be sent to Congregation of the Sons of Israel, 209 East King Street, Chambersburg 17201—memo “refugee resettlement”.

Gail Vaughn began her sabbatical on January 1st Please keep her in your prayers, for  a time of refreshment and renewal.  For pastoral care call Pastor Steve 717-873-6626. Please send prayer requests, needs and concerns to

An Adult Work Camp is being planned by Cindy Shoemaker at Central Presbyterian for this spring or summer to take place at Bowling Green, Kentucky in response to recent tornado damage.  First Church’s coordinator for this camp is Greg Stouffer.  If you are interested in finding out more information, contact him at or 717-658-2351.

Organ Update

As shared last Sunday, a 10% deposit of $13,600 on $135,600 upgrade has been paid to Lewis and Hitchcock, Inc., locking in the price. Repairs will not begin until January of 2023, due to a parts supply shortage. We have 95% of the funds needed to finish payment at the conclusion of the work. Incorporated in the contract are console preparations for options we may want to add. We will share the list of options, and their individual costs in the next few weeks. Anyone wishing to donate any particular sound or effect option to the glory of God, in memory or in honor of someone, please contact Linda Peppernick, 717-360-6425.

Elevator Update

Repairs will begin the end of March and conclude by Easter. Thank you for your patience during this time.

Check Out The Library Books!

Featuring books to help you live in Lent and prepare for Easter! 

The Glory of the Cross: Reflections for Lent from the Gospel of John by Tim Chester

The Cross by Max Lucado

Kneeling in Jerusalem by Ann Weems

God is On the Cross: Reflections on Lent and Easter by  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Final Walk of Jesus by Max Lucado

The Angels Were Silent: The Final Week of Jesus by Max Lucado

Six Hours One Friday; Living the Power of the Cross by Max Lucado


25 Minute Weekly Prayer Meeting on Zoom every Thursday at 7:00 PM

FUMC Prayer & Study Group-

You are invited to join us on a new journey toward intimacy with God. We will be studying different prayer techniques and spiritual rhythms. We use Padlet to post our comments & experiences. Email Lindsay Zubal at for information. Our next meeting will be April 5, 2022 at 6:30pm-8pm.



Prayers for Healing
Don Nolder Sherrill Kessingerer Emmett Kessingerer Nessie King Thelma Pierce Jeff Brookens Erma Collins Dean Crow Reed deSalis Deb Ewing Emily - Bob & Becky Foor's daughter - complications following surgery.
Prayers for Upcoming Medical Procedures/Hospitalization
Katie Fogel - medical procedure 3/18 Bobbi Gillespie - medical procedure 3/21 Sherrill Kessingerer - medical procedure 3/31
Prayers for Our World

Protection for Alan Fish as he is being sent to Poland.

For the protection and safety of the people in Ukraine.

For an end to the attack on Ukraine.

For meaningful lasting peace talks.

Wisdom for government leaders.

God's intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

For the children and babies in Ukraine.

Relief for those dealing with severe weather.

Healing for our divided country, nations, and leaders.

All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers.


Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects

Stephen Ministry

First Lights Children's Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Hungry Hearts Ministry

200th Anniversary Celebration

Summer planning

Prayers for the pandemic

Healing for those with Covid.

Safety and protection for school children and those working in school systems.

Safety and protection for health care workers and those working in vulnerable places.

Renewal and restoration for health care workers.

Wisdom for leaders, doctors and parents.

An end to the pandemic and all COVID variants.

Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:

John & Bunny Parson

Larry & Avis Guise

Al & Linda Lojacono

Bill & Mary Butts

Jack & Bette Bowers

Dean & Carol Crow

Paul & Erma Collins

Bill & Thelma Peerce

Kirk & Kathy Paul

Chuck & Dianne Salter

Dave & Joan Kauffman

Ron & Mary Diehl

Sarah & Barry Baker

Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence

Families struggling with grief and loss.

Families struggling with housing and financial issues.

Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.

Peace for those dealing with anxiety.

Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.

Comfort and peace for Dean and Carol Crow.


Posted in Being the Church.