In Traditional Service:
Pastor - Steven M. Livermore
Organist - Diaconal Minister - Linda Peppernick
Scripture Reader - Gideon Hill
The centerpiece is placed to the glory of God and in loving memory of daughter Laura who would have celebrated her birthday on August 11. Given by Louise Wentzel and family.
Worship Schedule
Traditional Service in Sanctuary at 9am
Sunday School at 10am
Contemporary Service in FLC (Family Life Center) at 11am
This Week's Member Spotlight
Mission Outreach through the Years
Check out the new display in the case at the entrance of the Family Life Center. Pictures depict our many Mission outreach activities through the years. Also look for another historic quilt in the hallway display case.
Multi-Generation Families of First Church?
Extensive research has been done to identify First Church families that have been a part of our church for four or more generations. Sixteen families have qualified with four, five, six and even seven generations of continuance membership/attendance. Some families have two or three ancestral lines of First Church connections.
A booklet is being prepared with all the names and dates for these sixteen families which include 24 different family lines. All families will be recognized during the Home Coming celebration on Nov. 13.
All sixteen families have been contacted by Joyce Horst. There is still time to include your family, if you think you might qualify. Contact Joyce Horst or Marie Agostinelli to do the research. We don’t want to miss anyone.
The Café is open. Stop by for some refreshments!
We are in need of a class or group to set up the Café on the 4th Sunday of the month. If your class or group can serve in this way, please contact Suzanne Everly.
Church Picnic!
Food, Fellowship and Fun
Games for all ages
When: Sunday, August 21st @11 A.M. (following the combined 10 A.M. worship service at the band shell).
Where: Chambersburg Municipal Park Picnic Pavilion (beside play equipment in the back of park)
The picnic meal will be catered and everything will be provided. Please bring a lawn chair for the 10 o’clock service.
Please RSVP with count to: or call 717-263-2814
Sign up at “Next Step” counter in lobby
Final Meeting!
(BBS) Backyard Bible Studies
The final meeting for Backyard Bible Studies is tonight in the FLC. Potluck dinner at 5:00 p.m., group discussion beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Check out the study here.
Meets at 10 o’clock in the resource room at the end of the staff hallway. It is a study of God's Kingdom from Genesis to Revelation: Guiding Light And Warmth, Satisfying food And Water, Loving relationships with God And Others, Purposeful work And Rest.
Choral Singalong
The Chancel Choir invites all singers and those who love to sing to join us this summer for a Choral Singalong.
We will meet in the choir room to sing together (for fun) Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm on the following dates:
- August 17
Come when you can, no performance or membership required. Contact any choir member or Linda for further information.
Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!
We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).
Great News!
Mail Service is up to only missing a day or two a week. We feel confident that tithes and offerings mailed to the church will arrive here safely. If you wish to send your contributions via mail, you are welcome to do so.
Children's Ministry
Pray with us Tuesdays at 2:52pm!
Cradle Roll is once again open to nursing mothers and families with little ones from 9am-12pm.
We are requesting donations:
- Pack and Play sheets
- double A and triple A batteries
We do need some work completed:
- Power-wash Little Tikes tables, chairs and slides
- Replace batteries in infant toys
Save the Dates!
August 16th and 18th Early Childhood Ministry Open House 5pm-6pm.
August 21 - Back to School Blessing at Memorial Park Bandshell 10am.
August 21 - Church Picnic at Memorial Park 11am.
Youth Group
Illuminate Youth Ministry meets on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm, and on Sundays at 10am.
If you'd like more information, please contact Collin
Hungry Hearts
Egg Carton supply is full. We do not need egg cartons at this time.
The Clothing Mission is accepting donations of ALL season clothing during July. As long as there is room in any of the bins in the lobby you may leave items. The clothing mission has not scheduled appointments during July to allow for vacations and rest for all our volunteers. We have scheduled two work days for July. We are hoping to see regular volunteer, people from MX and any others who would like to help. Those dates and times are:
Thursday, July 21st 10 AM—12:00 PM
Thursday July 28th 1 PM—3:00PM
Team Haiti/Missions
We want to keep you up-to-date on how the ministry is going in Haiti. These have been very difficult days, weeks and months in Haiti, which has had more than it’s share of trouble and tragedy. The gifts from members and friends of FUMC have helped to ease the struggles for many.
The School of Hope has been open and students have been taught on a regular basis. Some students have taken their standardized tests administered by the state education department. Your scholarship support has made this possible. We recently sent in the last 1/3 of the annual rent for the school facility. Annual cost is $9,000.
This year we have added a lunch program which costs $400 a month and supplements the food given by the government to provide lunch for 200+ students. Leftovers are sent home for other family members at the end of the-day. The school semester payment for each student is $140, which is required in the fall and spring. These scholarships not only pay for school supplies but also salaries for the teachers. Thank you for helping this year be a success at the School of Hope.
Mission Central is in need of Women's briefs, feminine hygiene items, hand and foot warmers, dental floss, toothpaste, deodorant (men's and women's), small personal size shampoo and conditioner, new blankets, medical wound care supplies, school rulers, children's scissors, and all sizes of shoes.
Pastoral Care Ministries
GriefShare -Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one - is a special weekly (13) seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts and we want to help. New Session Starts: Sept. 12 - Nov. 28 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Alda Bower Classroom.
Stephen Ministry is here to walk with you through difficult journeys.
Surviving the Holidays
Women Connect
Women Connect Facebook Group! All women in the church are invited to join!
August 19, 2022 - at FUMC. Guest Speaker - Renata Mosely
Worship at Memorial Park
August 21, 2022
10am -Blended service at Memorial Park.
No children or youth Sunday School.
Service will be followed by our annual church picnic!
200th Anniversary Celebration!
September 18 -Worship with our Bishop.
November 13 -Homecoming Worship with a luncheon.
Mission Experience (MX)
Save the date for MX next year: June 14-17, 2023!
Important Note regarding upcoming events: If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!
Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.
Post-High/Young Adult Sunday School Class meets weekly on Sundays at 10:00! The class will meet in the lounge and will be led by Young Adults. Post-High young adults in their late-teens or in their 20’s are welcome as we read through the book “The Ninefold Path of Jesus: Hidden Wisdom of the Beatitudes”
Refugee Resettlement: Please contact Clint Bolte (717) 267-2157 to volunteer with helps for the family. Donations can be sent to Congregation of the Sons of Israel, 209 East King Street, Chambersburg 17201—memo “refugee resettlement”.
Alter Flowers: Please return the vase liners to the church. Also, we are in need of someone to take charge of flowers. Contact Vikkie Eckert if interested.
The 'Following Jesus by Serving People' form is available this morning next to today's worship folder. There is a box for you to return the completed form at the “Next Steps” counter.
Endowment Fund Status June 30, 2022
The total amount of principal (market value) in the Endowment fund is $1,264,678. This is a decrease of $134,520 from year end 2021 ($1,399,198). As you know we cannot spend the principal amount. We can only spend the interest earned. The amount available (interest earned) is $203,946. This was an increase of $5,568. The total amount available by category is as follows:
General $93,658 Music $45,565 Facilities $15,125 Missions $7,765 Scholarships $41,833
Last year we spent $41,270 to support projects. We purchased sound equipment and supported the Haiti Orphanage. The Fund paid $29,500 towards the repair of the elevator and supported pastor salaries for Sierra Leone. So far this year we spent $6,500 for a roof for our Haitian Orphanage. Contributions so far this year are $3, 634.
Past year contributions were,
2018 - $9,926
2019 - $17,282
2020 - $14,341
2021 - $5,338.
Please consider giving to the Endowment Fund. The Fund is very
important to support future church projects.
Thank you. Dave Stevens
Note: The Endowment Fund is separate from the operating/general church budget and the Trustees budget. Endowment usually supports items for which funds would not be available, or are outside the normal purview of the general church and trustee budgets.
Missions – Extend ministries including local, national and international activities.
Scholarship – To provide opportunities for students from FUMC to enter Ordained, Diaconal or Christian Education.
Music – To provide support for continuing and expanding the music program.
Facilities – To maintain and improve the physical condition and beauty of the church building, parsonage, and other properties.
General – To provide support income to be used in the general operation of the church: Salaries, supplies, educational, office equipment, etc., when needed.
Prayers for Healing
Vicky Leisher
Don Nolder
Sherrill Kessinger
Emmett Kessinger
Deanna Nolder
Deb Ewing
Bill Peerce
Prayers for Missions
We praise God because Karen Null's granddaughter, Abbey Null, arrived safely in Ukraine with a mission team to help prepare food parcels to be distributed to the people! Please pray for safety for her and all the other workers!Prayers for Our World
Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine.
For the protection and safety of the people in Ukraine.
For an end to the invasion of Ukraine.
For meaningful productive peace talks.
Wisdom for government leaders.
God's intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
For the children and babies in Ukraine.
Relief for those dealing with severe weather.
Healing for our divided country, nations, and leaders.
All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers.
Families, friends and the community of Uvalde, Texas.
Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects
Stephen Ministry
First Lights Children's Ministry
Illuminate Youth Ministry
Hungry Hearts Ministry
200th Anniversary Celebration
Start of a new school year
Mission Experience (MX) 2023!
Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:
John & Bunny Parson
Larry & Avis Guise
Al & Linda Lojacono
Jack & Bette Bowers
Paul & Erma Collins
Bill & Thelma Peerce
Kirk & Kathy Paul
Chuck & Dianne Salter
Dave & Joan Kauffman
Ron & Mary Diehl
Sarah & Barry Baker
Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence
For Judy Peas' son-in-law, Fred Kraemer, for relief from pain due to his pancreatic cancer.
Wisdom, strength and comfort for in-home caregivers.
Families struggling with grief and loss.
Families struggling with housing and financial issues.
Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.
Peace for those dealing with anxiety.
Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.