Christmas cantata: “The Heart of Christmas”

The Chancel Choir will present Pepper Choplin’s Christmas cantata, “The Heart of Christmas” on Sunday, December 18 at 10:00 am.

The Christmas story found in St. Luke’s gospel is told musically through the creative use of various musical styles, ranging from bluegrass to traditional carols.  Come join with us as we worship the newborn King.  Fellowship will follow in the FLC.


In Today's Service:

Diaconal Minister of Music - Linda Peppernick

Acolyte  - Maddie Harmon

Reader - Maddie Harmon

The altar flowers are placed to the glory of God and in loving memory of Harold Barnes who would have celebrated a birthday on December 1 by Beverly Barnes and family.

To place flowers contact Bette Renshaw (717-263-3660)

Bicentennial Spotlight

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS are available for pick up at the Welcome Center.


Did you know that if you can’t make your preferred Sunday morning service, you can come Thursday Night for a brief but meaningful service and stay for a delicious dinner?

At First Church you can!

It's called Dinner Church and you are welcome to join us every week to connect with God through worship and with our community through food and conversation!


FUMC has had the privilege to support the Chambersburg YMCA for several decades as they outreach to underprivileged kids, 1st through 7th grade. Keeping with this longstanding mission opportunity, we have been asked to provide volunteer help, food and gift items for the 2022 Sam’s Program Christmas Party.

We have sufficient teddy bears for gifts this year but please continue to bring in new teddy bears now and throughout the new year. Just place them on top of the mailboxes near the sanctuary so we are sure to have plenty for next year. If you would like to volunteer to serve at the event, or to donate money for the meal or homemade cookies for dessert, please contact Susie Kunkle 717-352-2562 or use the Sign-Up Sheet for Sam’s Program Christmas Party located at the Connect Center in the FUMC lobby. The party is on Tuesday, December 13th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm (children in Sam’s Program meet each Tuesday at the “Y” during the school year for physical activities, fellowship, mentoring and Christian education). This Christmas event is only a few weeks away so mark it on your calendar and tell us how you can help! Thank you!


Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Donations can be made in person, by mail or through online giving.


Children's Ministry

Family Worship FAQs

Pray with us and/or for us (see below) Tuesdays at 2:52pm!

2022-2023 Parent Information Packet (Digital)

Prayer Partner November Focus: Fear is contagious, especially when it comes to kids. Pray for God’s protection around your partner as they may be facing things that are frightening or scary. Ask God to give them courage to help them be brave in the presence of others who are fearful.

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth meets regularly at the church on Wednesdays from 6-8pm through December 14.

FUMC Boys Basketball Team, grades 9-12!  Practice starts Monday, October 3 from 7 to 8:30 and will be the same time every Monday. Games begin in early January.  Parents, please contact Bob Byers (717-816-6976).  No experience necessary.

Visit for more

Hungry Hearts

We need a team to tear down Hungry Hearts on Thursday and to set up for Sunday service. This is a big ask -Huge! It's also a big need of the church. 

Visit Hungry Hearts

Women Connect

Next Gathering: December 17, 2022

Team Haiti/Missions

THE OLD KNIT, CROCHET MARKETPLACE will be open Sundays starting November 27th in between church services and after services until Christmas.  Come do some Christmas shopping with us.   Proceeds will support UMCOR. Thank You

Joyful for Jesus  - Volunteers are needed to shop, donate, prepare/wrap the gifts and then to provide Christmas snacks, hospitality and fellowship at the event to distribute  gifts December 16th. Contact Susie Kunkle or Michelle Brubaker. Please mark Sundays December 4 and 11 (immediately after the 11 am worship service) to assemble the gift baskets for our neighbors/friends. Consider purchasing Kisses or Miniatures to drop off in the big red tub in the church lobby near the information desk. Joyful for Jesus signup sheet will be at the Connect Center table or contact Susie Kunkle directly.


Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare -Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one - is a special weekly (13) seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.  We know it hurts and we want to help. New Session Starts: Sept. 12 - Nov. 28   1:00 - 3:00 pm  in the Alda Bower Classroom.

Stephen Ministry is here to walk with you through difficult journeys.

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries


TODAY at 2:00 in the afternoon in the Family Life Center, a second informational meeting will be held to discuss changes in the United Methodist Church. This is the beginning of a process of discernment regarding our relationship with the denomination.  It is vitally important that members attend one of the meetings. In January a Church Conference will be held  of voting on the issue of disaffiliation.

New Years Day Service is a Combined Worship in the FLC at 10am.

Important Note regarding upcoming events: If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Prayers for Healing

Don Nolder

Fred Kraemer

Gideon Hill

Bobbi Snyder

David Kauffman

Jenny Barnes

Jina Zook

Dianne Salter

Deb Bard

Jan Horst

Gary Gettle
Prayers for Our World

Clean air and water for every child of God.

For an end to the invasion of Ukraine.

Wisdom for all government leaders.

God's intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Relief for those dealing with severe weather - heat, drought, floods.

Healing for our divided country, nations, and leaders.

All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers.

Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects

Stephen Ministry

First Lights Children's Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Hungry Hearts Ministry

Grief Share

Joyful for Jesus

The future of the denomination and FUMC.
Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:

Dick Jenkins

Don Nolder

Shirley Jones

Mary Butts

Linda Leidig

Lucille Lower

Vicki Leisher

Deb Ewing

Connie Love

Jane Pensinger

Barb Armstrong

Susie Bulger

Kathy Beaston

Don Ardery

Ron Diehl

Wayne Gettel

Steve Hessong

Dottie Vidil

Ed Wentz's Daughter and Son-in-law

Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence

Family & friends of Joan Bowen as she has entered the Church Triumphant.

Wisdom, strength and comfort for in-home caregivers.

Families struggling with grief and loss.

Families struggling with housing and financial issues.

Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.

Peace for those dealing with anxiety.

Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.


Posted in Being the Church.