Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Donations can be made in person, by mail or through online giving.

Traditional Order of Service

Contemporary Order of Service

In Traditional Worship Today:

Diaconal Minister of Music - Linda Peppernick

Acolyte  - Gabriel Cieza

Reader - Doug Harbaugh

The centerpiece flowers are placed to the glory of God.

To place flowers contact Bette Renshaw (717-263-3660)


Children's Ministry

Family Worship FAQs

Pray with us and/or for us (see below) Tuesdays at 2:52pm!

Kids Konnect -Wednesdays this Winter! 6pm-8pm.

Hospitality Night - February 15 6pm-8pm Dinner provided and served by First Lights to the women of the Hospitality Team in appreciation for all they do at FUMC.

The Cereal Bowl - February 12 at 10am during Sunday School - Taste test down from many to the best tasting cereal as determined by First Lights and their friends on Big Game Sunday!

2022-2023 Parent Information Packet (Digital)

Prayer Partner January Focus: Thank God for being a God who desires to know us and to be known. Ask God to build a foundation of curiosity that will lead your prayer partner to seek answers to their questions and never to stop searching for what’s true.

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth meets regularly at the church on Wednesdays from 6-8pm.

Illuminate Annual HS Retreat at Mt. Asbury is scheduled for February 17-19! We encourage all HS students to sign up and join us for this unique, restful, faith-building experience. If interested, please contact Collin, or sign up in our youth room before February 3.

First Church’s Basketball team play Thursday, January 26th at 8:00 PM in Gym II at the Rec Center against Grand Point.


Visit for more

Hungry Hearts

Hungry Hearts needs a team to move shelving, tables, and chairs.

Hungry Hearts needs plastic bags for the food pantry.

Visit Hungry Hearts

Women Connect

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NLT) says:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

This is the scripture we will focus on in January as we ASK God to help us be creative in our planning.  “Creativity is not restricted to the arts or crafting.  Creativity happens as the Creator of all things, living in and through me, makes all things new.” – from Lectio 365 devotion.


Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9 – 10:30 AM

Connect Café & Lobby  -  Music & Refreshments served.

Team Haiti/Missions

Sponsors are needed for a special program being initiated by the US Government to help Haitians and other impoverish country citizenry immigrate legally.  It does not require a financial commitment but a willingness to help people with completing required documentation.  For information contact Etzer Pierre

Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare -Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one - is a special weekly (13) seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.  We know it hurts and we want to help. New Session coming soon.

Stephen Ministry is here to walk with you through difficult journeys.

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

Did you know that if you can’t make your preferred Sunday morning service, you can come Thursday Night for a brief but meaningful service and stay for a delicious dinner?

At First Church you can!

It's called Dinner Church and you are welcome to join us every week to connect with God through worship and with our community through food and conversation!

Bunny Parson's  90th birthday is 2/21 and her family is doing a card shower for her.  Cards can be sent any time in February.  Please feel free to send a picture of your family with the card.  It helps her recognition.

Her address is:

1900 Ravine Ridge

Building C  Apt. 12009

Williamsport, PA  17701




Offering Envelopes Due to supply chain and the inability to add employees at the rate necessary has created a slow draw on production and shipping the envelope company is forced to suspend the production of the remaining supply of your February envelopes. The offering envelopes will resume and be delivered by the first Sunday in March.  Please record your envelope number and use a regular envelope with the number and your name written on it during February so we can keep an accurate recording of giving.  Thank you!  The company apologizes for the inconvenience.



Please turn in your checking account/bank statements to Stacey in the Church Office as soon as possible.  If you bring them when Stacey is not in the office, they can be placed in the mailbox outside Stacey’s office.

Weekday Welcome Desk Help Needed.  We have a need Tuesday –Thursday, from 9 o’clock to noon, please contact Stacey at 717-263-8491 or

Important Note regarding upcoming events: If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Q & A  for discernment on disaffiliation will be held on Sunday, January 15th at 2:00 PM in the Family Life Center. A Frequently Asked Questions document will be made available prior to the Q&A session.

Praying Together

A series of meetings for discerning prayer will begin on Wednesday, January 4th.  The schedule will be:

  • Sundays at 10:15 AM for those not in a class
  • Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
  • Thursdays at 12 noon.

It is hoped this schedule gives everyone an opportunity to pray with other people for discernment.  The meetings are solely for praying for God's leading First Church.  Other meetings are being planned for further discussions and questions.

A Special Church Conference will be held on Sunday, January 29th at 2:00 PM in the FLC for voting regarding First Church remaining in, or disaffiliating from, the United Methodist Denomination. The Susquehanna Annua l Conference stipulates: only professing members present may speak and vote. Voting will be by paper ballot. The voting results will be announced at the end of the church conference. A 2/3 vote is required to disaffiliate. Pastor Steve is available to discuss and answer any questions and address concerns you have about this process. Feel free to call his cell, 717-873-6626 or email him at He is also happy to meet with you in person.

Prayers for Healing

Don Nolder (recovering in rehab)

Gideon Hill (isolating at home)

Declan Parris

John Parson

Bobbi Snyder

Jenny Barnes

Carol Crow

Luke Vulgamott

Jan Horst

Gary Gettle

Linda Leidig

Glennis Parris

Helen Rice

Sam Rice

Dottie Vidal

Dave Decker

Jane Pensinger

Janet Wood

Prayers for Our World

Relief for those dealing with severe weather - cold, snow, flooding, power outages.

Clean air and water for every child of God.

Wisdom for all government leaders.

God's intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Healing for our divided country, nations, and leaders.

All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers.

Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects

Stephen Ministry

First Lights Children's Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Hungry Hearts Ministry

Grief Share

Discernment talks/conversations
Discernment Prayer Meetings
Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:

Dick Jenkins

Don Nolder

Shirley Jones

Mary Butts

Lucille Lower

Vicki Leisher

Deb Ewing

Connie Love

Jane Pensinger

Barb Armstrong

Susie Bulger

Kathy Beaston

Don Ardery

Ron Diehl

Wayne Gettel

Steve Hessong

Dottie Vidil

Ed Wentz's Daughter and Son-in-law

Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence

For Judy Paes and her daughter's family at the passing of her son-in-law.

Wisdom, strength and comfort for in-home caregivers.

Families struggling with grief and loss.

Families struggling with housing and financial issues.

Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.

Peace for those dealing with anxiety.

Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.


Weekday Policy:

Whenever Chambersburg Area Schools close

for inclement weather, all activities at FUMC will also be cancelled.

If they have a 2 hr delay the church office will have a 2 hr delay.

If they get out early the church office

will close early and all activities for the evening will be cancelled.

Sunday Policy:

Please use one of the following methods to check on cancellations:

A.) The church website

B.) The church’s Facebook page

(Email church notices to by Wednesday)


Posted in Being the Church.