Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Donations can be made in person, by mail or through online giving.

Dinner Church Thursday Evenings at 5pm!

In Worship Today:

Diaconal Minister of Music - Linda Peppernick

Reader - Ben Schellhase

The flowers - The centerpiece is in loving memory of Susan R. Briggs who went to Eternal Rest July 25, 2021. Given by her husband.

NOTE—Whenever we worship in a combined service at 10 AM the Sunday School hour will be 9 AM that Sunday.  The next combined service is July 31st.

This Week at FUMC

Today— 23
9:00am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Haitian Church Service
10:00am New Member Class
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service
Impact Prep Day
Impact Prep Day
9:00am Women's Book Group "Unexpected"
6:30pm Leadership Meeting Via Zoom

Illuminate Youth Impact Event
6:30am Men's Bible Study
1:00pm Pastor's Study
6:00pm Pastor's Study

This Week at FUMC

Illuminate Youth Impact Event
9:00am Food Pantry
5:00pm Dinner Church
6:30pm Finance Committee Meeting
Illuminate Youth Impact Event
Illuminate Youth Impact Event - Saturday is a great day for families with smaller children or older adults who want to see what the event is all about to come and check it out! Message Brianna for more details.

Illuminate Youth Impact Event
9:00am Sunday School
10:00am Combined Worship Service— Sanctuary
10:00am Haitian Church Service
11:00am Cookie and Conversation Fellowship


July 9

Grace and Acceptance

Luke 14:16-24

July 16

Grace and Respect

Matthew 22:1-14

July 23

Grace and Preparation

Matthew 25:1-13

July 30

Grace and Petition

Matthew 7:7-12


Children's Ministry

Family Worship FAQs

Little Lights Story Time!

There will be no Little Lights Story Time during Impact Week (July 24 - July 30). Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Christine Caine Unexpected book talk meets July 25 at 9am in Ministry Resource Room.

Cookies and Conversation 11am July 30th after combined worship.

Family Night at Caledonia Pine Pavilion - August 9, 2023 -This event is for all FUMC families with kids and youth of all ages.

Prayer Partner July Focus:

Thank God for sending Jesus for each of the children in our ministry. Thank God for the kids who have already put their faith and trust in Jesus. Pray for those who aren’t sure what they believe or just haven’t reached the phase where they’re ready to make a decision. 

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth meets regularly at the church on Wednesdays from 6-8pm.

IMPACT JULY 26-30, 2023

Please pray for the youth group as we take 48 students and adults to Salt 'n Light Youth Ministry's Impact Festival on July 26-30. Pray for awesome experiences with God, for deeper relationships with peers, and for good weather and safe travels!

Visit for more

Hungry Hearts

If you can help tear down and sweep up the floors after the meal on Thursday at 6:00 PM or anytime that is convenient for you, contact Pastor Steve at 717-873-6626.


Visit Hungry Hearts

Women Connect


August 19, 2023
Rev. Pat Wollover The Good Shepherd Location TBA

Women Connect

Team Haiti/Missions

Mission Central needs:

women's briefs,  laundry detergent, dental floss, toothpaste, deodorant, shoes, small personal size shampoo and conditioner, children's scissors, school supplies and rulers Kids underwear, Kids socks, Kids summer shoes, Kids slippers, Mens underwear, Women's underwear, toothbrushes (singlepacks), Kids shampoo, hairbrushes, Kids summer clothes   (all sizes of kids items)

Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare -Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one - is a special weekly (13) seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.  We know it hurts and we want to help. New Session will be announced.

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

First Lights is partnering with the United Way to 'Stuff the Bus'!

Look for 'Stuff the Bus' boxes July 10 in our lobby to drop off supplies!


Prayers for Healing

Don Nolder who is now at Shook Home in Hospice Care.

Gideon Hill

Gary Gettle

Glennis Parris

Dottie Vidal

Dick Jenkins

Bob Thomas

Deb Ewing

Sherrill Kessinger

Karen Brennon

Dave Kauffman

Joan Kauffman

Brianna Renshaw

Lori Kelsey

Dave Waskfield - healing of CA

Bryan (Bev Barnes' son [recovery from heart surgery])

Josh (battling bone CA)

Bill Holland Chambersburg Hospital

Cindy Glance (Brianna's Mother)

Paul Collins

Erma Collins

Bob Thomas in rehab

Leslie Gotwald

Lisa Stouffer

Mike Preisler

Geri Rosental

Alan Hassler - Rehab

Connie Love - Rehab

Jim Wright

Linda Peppernick

Bob Glass

Bernard Clopper

Delores Burkhart's daughter-in law, Karen

Cindy Robison

Prayers for Our World

Humanitarian aid to all people in countries around the world in need.

Relief for those dealing with severe weather - tornadoes, thunderstorms, flooding.

Clean air and water for every child of God.

Wisdom for all government leaders.

God's intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Healing for our divided country, nations, and leaders.

All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers.

Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects

First Lights Children's Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Hungry Hearts Ministry


Promotion 2023

Back to School 2023

FUMC Church Planning 2023-2024

Mission Experience 2024

Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:

Dick Jenkins

Don Nolder

Shirley Jones

Mary Butts

Lucille Lower

Vicki Leisher

Deb Ewing

Connie Love

Jane Pensinger

Barb Armstrong

Susie Bulger

Kathy Beaston

Don Ardery

Mary Diehl

Wayne Gettel

Dottie Vidil

Linda Lojacono

Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence
Ed Wentz and family as Karen Wentz has entered the Church Triumphant.
Wisdom, strength and comfort for in-home caregivers.

Families struggling with grief and loss.

Families struggling with housing and financial issues.

Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.

Peace for those dealing with anxiety.

Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.


Safe Sanctuary Monitor Needed - We need an additional Monitor/Romer on Sunday mornings to walk the halls during Sunday School hour as part of our Safe Sanctuaries ministry. If you are Safe Sanctuaries trained, or willing to be and have secured your clearances or are willing to secure them and serve, please contact Pastor Steve at or 717-873-6626.

Service Opportunity- Trustees are looking to volunteers to mow the lawns at the church and trim once a week. Volunteers must be 18 years. Contact Doug Davis

Important Note regarding upcoming events- If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Posted in Being the Church.