Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!

We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).

Make every day a day to connect with Jesus!

This week's Featured Bible Plan: 5 Daily Habits to Integrate Faith at Work


Donations can be made in person, by mail or through online giving.



Worship Bulletin

Diaconal Minister of Music - Linda Peppernick

Reader - Bob Foor


The centerpiece is from Suzanne and Cindy in loving memory of Betty Naugle.


Traditional Service Order of Worship

Contemporary Order of Worship


Children's Ministry

Little Lights Wish List

Kids Konnect 

  • Wednesday night programming for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Parents can sign in children in the lobby at 6pm and pick children up at 7pm in the lobby.
  • Please note these Konnect Dates:
    • February 14: Ash Wednesday Prayer Stations (Little Lights Friendly)
    • February 28: Do you wanna' Build a Scripture Snowman? (Little Lights Friendly)
    • March 6, 13, 20: Basketball Bible Blitz: (Featuring) Concession Stand (tickets earned by knowing the memory verse), basketball-themed Bible skill games, basketball-themed memory verse games, and of course, just-for-fun basketball games.  
  • The next Kidmin Meeting is open to anyone who is interested, and it will be available through Google Meet and in-person on February 19, 2024 at 6pm.
  • Speaking of interesting stuff! Please check out the redesigned Children's bulletin on Sunday mornings! It still includes activities for children (all ages) to do in Worship, PLUS upcoming events for parents to know PLUS what your child is learning in Sunday School. Next to the adult bulletin, the children's bulletin is the next best source of news you can use!
2023-2024 First Lights Permission Form
Family Worship FAQs

Visit First for more

Youth Group

Illuminate Youth meet Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM.

Our annual high school retreat is quickly approaching! All high school students are welcome to join for this event on February 16-18. It is a restful weekend filled with joyful fellowship and Bible teaching, and it is one of our favorite events of the year! The cost is $30 to attend. Please sign up by contacting Collin by February 2.


Basketball Games Coming Up[All at the Recreation Center]

January 18th at 8:15 with Grand Point

January 23rd at 7:15 with Network Ministries

February 1st at8:15 with Falling Spring

February 8th at 8:15 with King Street

Visit for more

College Students Group

College Students

Pray for college students as they rest and enjoy winter break and prepare to return for spring semester.



Hungry Hearts

If you can help tear down and sweep up the floors after the meal on Thursday at 6:00 PM or anytime that is convenient for you, contact Pastor Steve at 717-873-6626.

Visit Hungry Hearts

Women Connect


Join us February 17, 2024 for Part II of The New Year Puzzle - "Seeing" the New Things God is Doing.  Discussion led by Robin.


WIN Wish List - Win Victim Services is in need of an infant car seat, wood platform bed frames, and consumable items. There is a list of current needs clipped to a box marked "WIN donations" by the welcome desk. You are invited to take a picture of the list or visit their site:  If you purchase items from the website, please mark the quantity purchased. Monetary donations can be given to Pam Reed. Collected money will be used to purchase a car seat first. Donations of items can be placed in the box or given to Pam.

Women Connect

Team Haiti/Missions

School of Hope scholarships are due for the first semester and we need your help! The cost per semester per scholar-ship at the School of Hope is $140.00. The cost for support for an orphan at Kaendra’s place is also $140.00. There’s also an offering plate at the door to help pay for school uniforms for the children. Your support is really appreciated!

Mission Central needs:

Activity Kit Bags:

Need volunteers to sew bags. Patterns available upon request.

Also, needs for January and February:

Hand towels, Wash cloths, Gallon-size Ziploc bags, Household cleaner (16oz.-40oz), Combs, Re-usable wipes, Deodorant (any size), Body wash (travel size)

Pastoral Care Ministries

GriefShare -

A 13-week GriefShare Support group will resume in the spring. For more information, call Gail at 717-263-8491 ext. 207.

Visit Pastoral Care Ministries

Music & Worship



Pastor's Bible Study Wednesday's at 1pm and 6pm

A Study on Galatians

Beef BBQ, Soup and Baked Goods Sale - Faith and Fellowship

To benefit Ryan Sanchez and FUMC Mission Projects

Saturday, January 27, 2024.

Pickup from 12 - 5PM

FUMC Lobby

Advanced orders required for soup and BBQ.

Pies, Cakes and Specialty Baskets available for sale on 1/27 when items are picked up.  Payment can be made at pickup.

Order forms are available at the doors.


Donna Brown will be celebrating her 90th birthday on January 26th. If you’d like to send a card her address is  845 First Colonial Rd, Apt 234, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.


Please turn in your checking account/bank statements to Stacey in the Church Office as soon as possible.  If you bring them in after hours or on a Sunday morning, they can be placed in the slot outside Stacey’s office.

Thank you!


Marriage Check-In:

We hope you’ll join us on the morning of Saturday, February 10th (FUMC Youth Room) for a time of connection and sharing.


8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Program (Famous Couples of the Bible)

12:00 pm Lunch



Prayers for Healing

Don Nolder

Gideon Hill

Gary Gettle

Dottie Vidal

Dick Jenkins

Deb Ewing

Karen Brennan

Dave Kauffman

Joan Kauffman

Brianna Renshaw

Lori Kelsey

Doris Bitner

Judy Glass

Paul Collins

Erma Collins

Leslie Gotwald

Jim Wright

Linda Peppernick

Delores Burkhart's daughter-in law, Karen

Chris Preisler

Wayne Gettel

Kathy Paul [in rehab]

Delores Burkhart

Janet Shultz Wood (Dick Jenkins sister-in-law)

Chuck Salter

Sharri Ewing

Sherrill Kessinger recovering at home

Emmitt Kessinger recovering at home

Jackie Rock

Ray Kauffman

Georgia Kauffman

June Maring

Marie Agostinelli

Pam Shatzer

Denzil Heckman

Nathalie Aylesworth

Deb Ewing - Chambersburg Hospital

Sandy Decker - had medical procedure

Karen Null upcoming knee surgery

Don Ardery

Prayers for Church Ministries, Events and Special projects

First Lights Children's Ministry

Illuminate Youth Ministry

Hungry Hearts Ministry

The staff as we start a new year.



Prayers needed for these members with long term concerns:

Dick Jenkins

Shirley Jones

Mary Butts

Lucille Lower

Vicki Leisher

Jane Pensinger

Barb Armstrong

Susie Bulger

Kathy Beaston

Don Ardery

Mary Diehl

Wayne Gettel

Linda Lojacono

Sarah Baker

Bob Thomas

Ann, friend of Glennis Parris

Glennis Parris

Bill Holland

Mike Preisler

Prayers of Comfort, Peace and Condolence

Julie Patterson and family as her father has entered the Church Triumphant.

Wisdom, strength and comfort for in-home caregivers.

Families struggling with grief and loss.

Families struggling with housing and financial issues.

Families struggling with reconciliation and forgiveness.

Peace for those dealing with anxiety.

Faith for those who struggle to believe in what they cannot see.

Prayers for Israel

Safe return of hostages

End to Hamas terrorism and torture of Israel and the Jewish people


Steady and consistent Humanitarian aid into the Gaza strip

Relief and end to suffering of the Palestinian people


Weekday Policy:

Whenever Chambersburg Area Schools close for inclement weather, all activities at FUMC will also be cancelled.

  • If CASD has a 2 hour delay the church office will have a 2-hour delay and will not be open until 11am.
  • If CASD has a 2-hour early dismissal, any evening events, programs or activities that were planned at the church in the evening will be cancelled.

Sunday Policy:

Please use one of the following methods to check on cancellations:

Look at the top headline on our website:



Scam Emails Please do not respond to any emails asking you for Urgent help or gift cards which proport to be from the pastor or a staff member.  This is always a scam.

Important Note regarding upcoming events- If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!

Please contact the church about hospitalizations as we no longer are contacted when parishioners are hospitalized.

Posted in Being the Church.