Sunday October 3, 2021
10:00 am Worship service at the park to celebrate, as one church, World Communion Sunday.
Beginning October 17th both services will be held indoors.
9:00 am Traditional in the sanctuary.
10:00 am Sunday school.
11:00 am Contemporary in the Family Life Center.
COVID19 Protocol Update
Because Franklin county has moved into the High category of COVID transmission, First Church leadership asks that congregants wear masks while inside the building per CDC recommendation. This is recommended NOT mandated. We understand that individuals have varied feelings on masks.
We are also again encouraging social distancing in the sanctuary and in the FLC.
From our York District Superintendent, Rev. Cathy Boileau:
On Wednesday, October 6th, at 6:00 p.m., I will be hosting a zoom chat with Dr. Jim Hurley, who is a member of First UMC in Chambersburg, but also Chairperson of the Board of Health for the Chambersburg Borough, a professor at Wilson College, a well-respected surgeon, and a committed disciple of Jesus Christ. Dr. Hurley will be sharing about immunology and the creation of the vaccine, how it came to be, put to rest some of the myths about the vaccine, and share information about why we should be tuned in to the Delta strain. If you or someone you love needs good solid information about vaccines, practices at church, or other information on covid, please encourage them to join us. We will be closing the meeting with a time of prayer for our health professionals and the defeat of covid. Anyone is welcome. Here is the link.
Meeting ID: 873 2160 5853
Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Let us lift up our healthcare workers in prayer, find practical ways to encourage, and most importantly, find a way to lessen the spread of covid, so we might give our frontline workers what they most want, rest for body, soul and spirit, and not another life lost to covid.
Grace and peace,
Watch our services on youtube at 12pm!
We also have a dedicated phone number so you can listen to latest recorded service at 717-899-4JOY (4569).
We are asking folks not to mail donations through the US Postal service. Please hand-deliver them to the church, because we are having issues with receiving mail. We also have online giving available as well. Thank you for blessing us!
Children's Ministry
Pray with us Tuesdays at 2:52pm.
Worship Bulletins for kids to engage them with the service are available at the welcome tables.
'Fear Not!' October Schedule is HERE!
This month Ms. Brianna is challenging kids to read their Bible! If they complete the challenge and return it, Ms. Brianna will kiss a worm( One kiss for ever challenge returned.) at our end of month 'Fear is Not a Factor' Party or during a special 'Not so Spooky' Halloween Sunday School.
Go HERE to get your 'Fear Not' Bible Reading Challenge!
Youth Group
Illuminate Youth Ministry will be meeting in backyards this September on Wednesday nights. A full schedule is on the events page at
Hungry Hearts
Team Haiti
Sponsors are Needed for Haitian children at Kaendra's Place orphanage and School of Hope. Talk to Pastor Steve or mail for more information.
Cookie Dough and Coffee Sale to support FUMC Haiti missions in Petit Goave, Haiti has begun! Order forms are available along with purchase envelopes at the worship entrances and lobby. Envelopes can be placed in the offering plates or dropped in the box at the Welcome Center. Orders are due by Sunday, October 31st. Pick up for orders will be Saturday, November 20th.
Pastoral Care Ministries
GriefShare group meets Mondays at 1:00 PM. For more information or to register for the seminar contact Gail at 717-263-8491 ext. 207.
Women Connect
Ladies, feeling the need for a little room to breathe in your life? Our annual Women’s Retreat is October 15th-17th at the Mt. Asbury Retreat Center in Newville, PA. Registration Deadline is today - October 1, 2021. Registration Form can be downloaded below:
You are invited to attend a welcoming event for our new Bishops.
Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi & Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball began Episcopal oversight of the Susquehanna Conference September 1. Both Bishops are excited to begin this new assignment. For the Bishops to begin to become acquainted with the Susquehanna Conference and our seven districts. All clergy and laity are invited to attend one of the district gatherings. Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi will be in person at York District’s gathering on October 3rd at 3:00 PM at Messiah Church, 1300 North Beaver Street, York.
These gatherings will not be livestreamed. However, there will be a video of the gathering on the website after all have concluded.
Because of the increase in the COVID variant, all participants will be expected to wear masks and social distance as much as possible.
To register for this or another of the gatherings please go here.
Here is the schedule of locations and dates. If you cannot attend your district’s gathering, feel free to register to attend another one, but the York gathering is October 3.
These district gatherings plan to be a wonderful introduction to the Susquehanna Conference for our bishops. Please plan to attend.
Important Note regarding upcoming events:
If you are planning a church event, please contact Stacey in the church office so that we can coordinate all events in the church and are not overlapping ministries. Thank you!
Chancel Choir-Practice is held Wednesday nights at 7:00. All singers welcomed! Contact Diaconal Minister Linda Peppernick at
Post-High School Connections - First Church Friends: I am looking for people to connect with our post high age young adults. Check-in texts, notes, and emails are a great way to let them know they're a part of the family even when they may not be able to attend regularly. If you're willing to friend one of our post high young adults, please contact Beth Stahl ( or 717-375-8011).
200th Anniversary – 2022 will mark the 200th Anniversary of the birth of First Church. We are looking for interested individuals to be part of the committee planning our celebrations. Please contact Pastor Steve at if you would like to help.
Evening Bible Studies:
Intergenerational Study -Interested in making connections between faith and real life? In building intergenerational relationships within the church? Consider joining this discussion-based Bible study at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Study is designed for youth Grade 7 or higher in the company of their parents. All adults welcome!
“Wednesday Bible Study” @ 6:30 PM, Begins September 22nd and every Wednesday after in the Preschool Classroom (Apple Place). We will be studying the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah lived and wrote in a dark time. Studying the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah, you will get a glimpse of what it is like to have a personal relationship with God, for God and a human to be together and you will discover how you can grow in your own personal relationship to God. This study will also stream on Zoom. Study guides are available to pick up at the Welcome Center or you can download a copy here.
If you are interested in taking a Stop the Bleed Class please sign up HERE! It will be held October 12 at 6pm.
Veterans Meeting on Tuesday October 12 at 6:30p.m. in the Alda Bowers room.
Blood Drive Monday, October 4, beginning at 2pm in the FLC.
Homecoming is October 6th. Currently, the parade is scheduled for 6:00 PM. You are invited to view the parade from the parsonage front lawn at 925 East McKinley Street.
Elevator Update The trustees have signed a contract with Eastern Elevator Company to begin repair work on the elevator. More information will be forthcoming as soon as it is available.
First UMC Church Conference Sunday, November 21st at 5:00 PM. Our District Superintendent will be with us to conduct the meeting. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)
We lift our prayers to the Lord!
Comfort for Beverly Rensch's family as she has entered the Church Triumphant
Healing prayers for Rev. Charlie Kind. He is in the hospital. Prayers for his family as well.
Healing for Blanche Mock - Chambersburg Hospital
Healing prayers for Ginny Adams
Healing prayers for Matthew very ill
Continue praying for the people of Haiti & Afghanistan
Pray for our government leaders
Prayers for Norine Selby (Glenn & Natalie Aylesworth’s daughter)
Betty Naugle – healing
Pray for those who are coming to GriefShare
Pray for those dealing with fire in the west
Pray for water shortage in the west
Pray for Stephen Ministry
Continued prayers for Postal Service
Healing for those with Covid
Safety and protection for school children and those working in school systems
Healing prayer for Jeff Brookens – medical concerns
Pray for the Women's Retreat in October - those planning the retreat and the ladies attending
Pray for First Lights -Connecting the light of the church to the heart of families to ignite the faith of the next generation
Pray for Illuminate Youth Ministry
Pray for Hungry Hearts Ministry
Prayers for those facing life struggles -
John & Bunny Parson
Larry & Avis Guise
Al & Linda Lojacono
Jay & Betty Upperman
Bill & Mary Butts
Jack & Bette Bowers
Dean & Carol Crow
Paul & Erma Collins
Bill & Thelma Peerce
Kirk & Kathy Paul
Chuck & Dianne Salter
Dave & Joan Kauffman
Praise and Thanksgiving
On World Communion Sunday, whether under the shade of a tree, in a rice paddy, by a creek bed, in a grand cathedral, or in storefronts, Christ-followers all over the planet are praying and singing in indigenous ways using their languages. What a glorious picture of worship in the kingdom when we grasp the fullness of the body of Christ and sing and pray with brothers and sisters around the world. Praise the Lord!
The entire congregation is invited to join children and youth ministries at Mt. Asbury Retreat center this fall to help prepare for the Christmas Light Show!
If you are interested in finding out more, click Here.